Welcome to the Pioneer Camping Club
Are you an RVer? Do you live in or near the San Jose area? Well them, Let’s go camping!!! The Pioneer Camping Club is made up of RVers just like you who enjoy the RV camping experience. Everyone is welcome to join us for one, or all of our outings.
We typically have 10 to 25 rv's at our outings and our members include families, couples, singles and some retirees. Most of our members are still working, so our outings are usually extended weekends, and holidays.
Ready to go camping? You can sign up for any, or all of our outings on our reservations page, pay your deposit(s) (which covers your first night and a $10 club expenses fee), join us out at the campground, and have a great time. We do not have yearly dues or bylaws, we simply focus on providing our members with opportunities to go camping and meet/share time with other members.
Prior to our outings we send out an e-mail letting outing participants know about some of the activities available at the campground, or in the area. Many times several members will participate in these activities together, but everyone is fee to do whatever they like. We do organize a pot luck dinner at each outing (when facilities are available) and most of our members do participate. So, come out and join us, we would love to meet you.
Bringing RVers together since 1978
Our members
Where we go
Wagon Master
What makes a club successful? It's the people, so, it's no wonder this club has been successful, and around so long. Check out the members page for more about our members.
With 7 to 9 outings a year, we're sure there will be a few places you would like to go. The outings for the year are posted in January, so sign up for your favorites today.
The club has had several Wagon Master over the years. The current Wagon Master is Roger Silva. Check out the Wagon Master page to learn more about him.